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Review requested: draft-daniel-dhc-ipv6in4-opt-03.txt

(co-chair hat on)

DHC WG is considering whether to adopt
draft-daniel-dhc-ipv6in4-opt-03.txt as their work item for signalling
IPv6-in-IPv4 endpoint in DHCPv4.  DHC WG has asked to get feedback
whether this would be applicable in the IPv6 transition process.

For a more generic look on the tunnel end-point discovery, please have
a look at draft-palet-v6ops-tun-auto-disc-00.txt (feedback is welcome
on that on v6ops list as well, but please use a separate thread).


 (1) please review the document and send feedback on v6ops list, or 
     both v6ops and dhc lists.

 (2) please consider whether this would be applicable in the 
     transition process and send feedback to v6ops list.  In 
     particular, please consider at least:

      a. which scenario(s) would this be applicable to?
      b. which mechanism(s) would this be applicable to?
      c. if multiple mechanisms, would it be needed to distinguish 
         which mechanism's end-point this is applicable to?
      d. what more is needed to make this applicable as this 
         only solves one part of the problem (i.e., how does the 
         server end configure the tunnel, i.e., learn the client's 
         IPv4 address?)
      e. whether we have yet enough knowledge of these issues
         to go forward and specifying the option, or whether
         we should work e.g., on the mechanisms first.

Please send feedback within a week, by 17th May.

(hat off)

For what it's worth, my personal take is that this is work that may be
worth doing, but it is still too early to take it as dhc WG item,
because there are still too many unknowns on the field especially

 - which specific mechanisms this would be applicable to (2.c), and 
 - we don't have all the pieces of the puzzle in order yet (2.d).