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Re: WG Last Call: draft-ietf-v6ops-ent-scenarios-02.txt


> ...
> I think Example network C, a security defense network, is not
> mainstream enough to be applicable to be investigated in the
> scenarios.  There are probably 1, 5 or 10 such networks in the world.
> We should be focusing on more common scenarios (even addressing
> "80/20" would be good).  [I have a few specific comments for
> clarification within this example, but I'll send them if this example
> is not replaced by something else.]
> ...

OTOH, some of these networks are large, and they buy a lot of equipment,
so some major vendors take their requirements quite seriously. Therefore,
I would be against dropping this case. We can discuss further whether this
is exactly the right characterization, however.

Regards, Richard