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RE: Teredo vs Silkroad

> As a comparison, Teredo address consists of clinet ipv4 address and
> port, which must be different with last one. How can Teredo Client be
> found if there is no appropriate naming service ? Teredo does not 
> provide such a naming service.

Yes, this is a trade-off. The advantage of building the IPv6 address
from the IPv4 address is that you don't need strong security to prevent
spoofing: you just need to make sure that packets are routed to the
embedded IPv4 address. If you make the IPv6 address independent of the
underlying IPv4 address the address may become long-lived, but the
tunnel servers must implement a strong security procedure to make sure
that the address is not spoofed.

Then, as you mention, if the address is not long-lived, you need some
form of name resolution to associate the short lived address with a
long-lived name. There are some obvious choices: dynamic DNS or SIP, for

-- Christian Huitema