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RE: Teredo vs Silkroad

>The whole lifetime discussion is confused. All prefixes will have a
>lifetime, it may be very long, but it will be there. Any discussion about
>'permanent' only invites people to believe the prefix will move with them
>when they leave Slikroad behind, but that can't happen if the prefix is part
>of the SAR aggregate.
"permanent" means that the SC can get the same IPv6 address as one used in last time.
Address of SC will not change, except the users want to a random address because
of security issue.
As a comparison, Teredo address consists of clinet ipv4 address and udp port, which
must be different with last one. How can Teredo Client be found if there is no
appropriate naming service ? Teredo does not provide such a naming service.

>In short Silkroad is nothing more than trying to provide a scaling front end
>for the forwarding function of the tunnel broker model. While that function
>is an admirable goal, this spec will need major rework before it even comes
>close to something that is operationally deployable. A reasonable trust
>model and fully dynamic routing update system are the first steps. In any
>case Silkroad should not be compared to Teredo because it is fundamentally a
>tunnel broker (albeit a broken one in the current spec) so section 7.4
>should simply be removed.
I have told that Silkroad is a tunnel broker similar mechanism. It has the same goal
but different way as Teredo has. I don't understand why a tunnel broker similar
mechanism should not be compared to Teredo.
Eiffel Wu