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RE: draft-daniel-dhc-ipv6in4-opt-03.txt

Both drafts need some means to get IPv4 address
of tunnel server. DHCPv4 fits best for this purpose.

This proposal would be directly applycable to the
ad-hoc tunnel servers in this draft

Above all, my original approach is for ISP aspect
to provide IPv6 connectivity though it's a temporary
connection.So far almost ISPs do not need to change
their current network for the IPv6 service, thus as
stated, this mechanism can be used to provide
the IPv6 services without upgrading all their (ISPs)
infrastructure to support IPv6 on day one.

We implemented it and this mechanism is very 
useful for us to connect IPv6 services from our
IPv4 networks (host has a dual stack of course)

- Daniel (Soohong Daniel Park)
- Mobile Platform Lab. Samsung Electronics.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-v6ops@ops.ietf.org 
> [mailto:owner-v6ops@ops.ietf.org]On Behalf Of juha.wiljakka@nokia.com
> Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 9:26 PM
> To: peter.grubmair@siemens.com; v6ops@ops.ietf.org
> Subject: RE: draft-daniel-dhc-ipv6in4-opt-03.txt
>  Hi, Peter!
> There is also a simpler, usable mechanism if v6-in-v4 tunneling 
> is needed in a 3GPP UE: ISATAP. That does not require DHCP 
> implementation in the UE. See Dave's comments here:
> http://ops.ietf.org/lists/v6ops/v6ops.2004/msg00814.html
> BR,
> 	-Juha-
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-v6ops@ops.ietf.org [mailto:owner-v6ops@ops.ietf.org]On
> Behalf Of ext Grubmair Peter
> Sent: 27 May, 2004 14:52
> To: V6ops_Discussion (E-mail)
> Subject: draft-daniel-dhc-ipv6in4-opt-03.txt
> Dear Sirs, 
> I highly appreciated finding your draft 
> concerning "DHCP Option for Configuring IPv6-over-IPv4 Tunnels" 
> at IETF. 
> To my mind this is one of the simplest form of a first transition 
> for mobile (GPRS) operators to supply IPv6 to 
> their customers. 
> After finding the tunnel endpoint via your DHCP option 
> a dual stack mobile phone can do autoconfiguration (or DHCPv6) 
> accros the tunnel and obtain a globally unique IPv6 address, 
> allthough its IPv4 address is only private. 
> (no DAD is needed as link-local address is constructed from 
> IPv4 address, which is unique within operators area). 
> tunnel establishment at operator side could be done with adhoc mode
> as described in >>Simple IPv6-in-IPv4 Tunnel Establishment Procedure
> (STEP)<<
> (draft-savola-v6ops-conftun-setup-02.txt)
> this could be the m
> I hope that your suggestion evolves to an RFC soon. 
> Best regards 
>    Peter Grubmair 