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Re: IESG evaluation of draft-ietf-v6ops-mech-v2-02.txt

On Jun 14, 2004, at 5:53 AM, Margaret Wasserman wrote:

 ==> possibilities include at least:
 a) keeping the current tense of specifying a "simple" address
    selection, and referring to RFC3484 for more details, but reword
    the text appropriately.  Remove filtering but keep ordering. It
    might require some convincing to make the IESG accept this
    approach.  (In other words, a simple dual-stack implementation
    would not necessarily have to implement RFC3484 to be
    compliant/interoperable with this spec.)

There are several reasons why I do not believe that this is a good choice. We know that the simple address selection (flag to prefer IPv4 or IPv6) does not work properly. For instance, it causes situations where global communication will be initiated using a local source address, even when a global source address is available. It also causes situations where hosts will prefer tunnelled communication over non-tunnelled communication.

These problems were identified and fixed in RFC 3484,
which is a mandatory part of IPv6.

Unfortunately, 3484 does not solve all the problems, see draft-ietf-v6ops-v6onbydefault-02.txt

- Alain.