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Re: 9/9/2004 IP6.INT Removal (Was: 9/9/2006 : ip6.int shutdown?)

> > Considering the DNAME-baed renaming mechanism documented at
> > <http://www.isc.org/pubs/tn/isc-tn-2002-1.txt>, what I wonder
> > is, why doesn't Bill Manning just put in a DNAME at IP6.INT
> > renaming the whole tree to point at IP6.ARPA?
> 	in part, because there are entries in ip6.int that have no
> 	counterpart in ip6.arpa.... otherwise, a really good idea.

i think that you should spend your efforts trying to get the .INT
content mirrored in .ARPA somehow.  such as contacting the folks
who own the delegations you have in .INT and teaching them how to
re-register their content in .ARPA, such as by going through their

>       i have been trying to get the good folks at ICANN to effect
>	such changes as can be done, done.

icann's not involved at all.  once you get the content re-registered
in .ARPA, you can put a DNAME at the top of your .INT zone and the
rest is history.

> 	and i do not belive that older implementations will be
> 	out there forever.  but as long as the number of queries
> 	for ip6.int is noticable, i plan on serving the data.

what's the standard for "noticable"?  1qps?  10qps?  100qps?  what
are you seeing, in qps, today?