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Re: 9/9/2004 IP6.INT Removal (Was: 9/9/2006 : ip6.int shutdown?)

On Wed, Jul 28, 2004 at 10:35:08PM +0200, Gert Doering wrote:
> Besides that, e.f.f.3.ip6.arpa *has* been delegated, so what's this
> argument supposed to be about?
> ; <<>> DiG 8.3 <<>> @dns1.icann.org e.f.f.3.ip6.arpa 
> e.f.f.3.ip6.arpa.       23h30m IN NS    ns3.nic.fr.
> e.f.f.3.ip6.arpa.       23h30m IN NS    flag.ep.net.
> e.f.f.3.ip6.arpa.       23h30m IN NS    imag.imag.fr.
> e.f.f.3.ip6.arpa.       23h30m IN NS    sonata.hexago.com.
> - looks perfectly fine to me.

Actually, it's even in a better state than e.f.f.3.ip6.int:

Doc-2.2.2: doc e.f.f.3.ip6.arpa.
   No errors or warnings issued for e.f.f.3.ip6.arpa.
Done testing e.f.f.3.ip6.arpa.  Thu Jul 29 02:56:22 CEST 2004

Doc-2.2.2: doc e.f.f.3.ip6.int.
   ERRORS found for e.f.f.3.ip6.int. (count: 3)
   WARNINGS issued for e.f.f.3.ip6.int. (count: 1)
Done testing e.f.f.3.ip6.int.  Thu Jul 29 02:57:15 CEST 2004

Found 5 NS and 2 glue records for e.f.f.3.ip6.int. @flag.ep.net. (AUTH)
Found 4 NS and 2 glue records for e.f.f.3.ip6.int. @ns3.nic.fr. (AUTH)
Found 5 NS and 1 glue records for e.f.f.3.ip6.int. @y.ip6.int. (AUTH)
Found 5 NS and 2 glue records for e.f.f.3.ip6.int. @z.ip6.int. (AUTH)
ERROR: Found 2 diff sets of NS records
   === from servers authoritative for e.f.f.3.ip6.int.
NS list summary for e.f.f.3.ip6.int. from parent (ip6.int.) servers
  == flag.ep.net. imag.imag.fr. ns3.nic.fr.
  == sonata.hexago.com. y.ip6.int. z.ip6.int.
soa @flag.ep.net. for e.f.f.3.ip6.int. serial: 2002091315
soa @imag.imag.fr. for e.f.f.3.ip6.int. serial: 2002091315
soa @ns3.nic.fr. for e.f.f.3.ip6.int. serial: 2004072801
soa @sonata.hexago.com. for e.f.f.3.ip6.int. serial: 2004072801
soa @y.ip6.int. for e.f.f.3.ip6.int. serial: 2002091315
soa @z.ip6.int. for e.f.f.3.ip6.int. serial: 2002091315
WARN: Found 2 unique SOA serial #'s for e.f.f.3.ip6.int.
ERROR: Found 2 unique sets of NS records
   === from authoritative domain (e.f.f.3.ip6.int.) servers
ERROR: NS list from e.f.f.3.ip6.int. authoritative servers does not
  === match NS list from parent (ip6.int.) servers
NS list summary for e.f.f.3.ip6.int. from authoritative servers
  == flag.ep.net. imag.imag.fr. ns3.nic.fr.
  == sonata.hexago.com. y.ip6.int. z.ip6.int.

Best regards,