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Re: draft-palet-v6ops-tun-auto-disc-01.txt

-- On Tuesday, July 27, 2004 08:56:03 +0300, Pekka Savola wrote:

Thus my assumption that this document is targeted at the gap above is correct. Then one should not be finding the best tunnel _endpoint_ but the tunnel _service_ which can provide that endpoint. TSP for instance does its own endpoint negotiation. Having a discovery method do that would thus make TSP either be only for that single Tunnel Server or it would require another step. The 'endpoint' wording thus is wrong IMHO and should be resplaced by 'service'.

Again, I disagree.

Let's take TSP as an example as you mention it.  TSP has a great
"gaping gap" (in your words): there is no way to discover the closest
tunnel broker!

For tunnel broker solutions, this document tries to address finding
the tunnel broker end-point (where you can begin the negotiation).
The tunnel broker negotiation specifies the ultimate endpoint where
you'll build your tunnel (such address could of course be anycast or
whatever as well).  What happens after getting the initial broker
end-point it out of scope of this specification.

For tunnel server solutions, this document tries to address finding
the tunnel server end-point (where you can beging tunneling or
negotiation, whatever the mechanism specifies).

So, I have to disagree with you here.  We just want to discover the

Any suggestions how to make it clearer?

If I read you correctly, you both agree on the tunnel broker model: A discovery mechanism will give you an IP address to connect to with the tunnel setup protocol, and this may or may not be the IP tunnel endpoint. This will be up to the setup protocol to decide, not the discovery mechanism.

On the tunnel server model, the discovery process can give you the tunnel endpoint IP address, but that is not certain. At least, using anycast for discovery, the client should be ready to accept and endpoint which is different from the IP address (anycast) used to discover the nearest "endpoint". I also think that this is dependent on the tunnel setup protocol used (which may support load-balancing/redirection).

My suggestion is that the client should not consider the IP address discovered as being the tunnel endpoint, but instead let the tunnel setup protocol do that.

Other suggestion: Call it the "service endpoint" ;-)


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