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RE: ISATAP scenario


> > 
> > Ok, aggressive question then:
> > 
> > Why run down the analysis/requirements/solutions road again, when we
> > have a running solution at hand that _is_ (was) already present in
> > vendors software and that probably just needs a little bit more
> > finetuning?
> Just my own opinion.. We need to figure out what makes the most
> overall sense, instead of doing local optimizations.
> ISATAP can be used to solve certain, specific problems in certain
> specific, well-defined (trusted and managed) environments.
> However, that is only a subset of a larger problem space .. one, which
> we *need* a solution for in any case.
> I feel it is better to only have a more generic solution, rather than
> a generic solution *and* a specific solution, unless clearly proven
> that the generic solution would not be work in the specific
> environment.

Nothing prevents this generic solution to provide what is
mandating Teredo right now. Taken literally I
would thus assume that this in your opinion
means that there is no reason to standardize Teredo either :-?

I agree (though) that it is very difficult indeed to draw the line here.


> "Less is more."
> -- 
> Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
> Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
> Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings