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Living with multiple prefixes

Some recent discussion on the multi6 list has reminded me of this.

I think we haven't been paying enough attention to the operational
implications of living with multiple prefixes active on an IPv6
site. We know that having several prefixes active is the normal
state, but how will operations people deal with this?

For example, it would mean that all operational tools would need
to be set up to deal with multiple prefixes (and adding and removing
prefixes). That will affect all kinds of practical things (GUIs,
address management databases, the way DNS tables are generated,
DHCP setup, MIB contents, etc.)

I think this is quite fundamental for real deployment, and if done
correctly it will make both renumbering and multihoming very much

I have a feeling v6ops needs to provide some guidance here.
(draft-ietf-v6ops-renumbering-procedure-01.txt touches on some
of the issues already.)
