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RE: 12 Problems with "draft-ietf-v6ops-mech-v2-04.txt" : was RE: Reminder: clarification....

On Tue, 17 Aug 2004, Bound, Jim wrote:
> I see your points but if we are to use your model as editor then we
> need to be consistent in all specs at what level of detail we go
> into for the technical protocol specs (as opposed to operational
> technical ones).  I think it comes down to what detail and health
> warnings we put in documents and I think that is AD and Chairs
> decision. But whatever it is lets keep it for all documents.  I have
> seen Alex's issues in other docs and other members presented on
> other specs.  Be good to know the rules of engagement for v6ops at
> this juncture with this spec.

<co-chair hat on>

The stage at which the document is *does* make a difference.

If an argument is made that such and such health warning, operational
guideline, or whatever should be put in the document, and it seems
reasonable, it should probably be seriously considered for inclusion
-- *if* this happens prior to WG last call, at WG last call, or maybe
even at IETF last call (if appropriate).

At some point in the process -- when the documents are beyond last
calls and forwarded to the IESG for publication, past IESG evaluation,
etc. -- we just *have* to stop tweaking the document unless there are
strong reasons to do so.

If WG participants believe that there are very strong reasons why the
current proposals in this particular case need to go in, and are fine
with accepting the delays etc. which would be incurred (redoing IESG
evaluation at least), please provide input.  It has been solicited...

I don't think this directly addresses your question at its widest
interpretation, but should clarify the issue at hand.

<co-chair hat off>

(I personally think it's good to have operational guidance in as well,
as long as it's sufficiently clear what is protocol specification and
what is operations or other warnings.. -- along with other issues in
the proposals, these have been partially mixed up.)

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings