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zeroconf draft


Enclosed please find a first draft detailing the goals of zero configuration tunnelling as
seen by the authors.

The draft has been submitted to the IDs, but in order to meet the 2 weeks deadline set up
at Thursdays v6ops session in San Diego I have taken the liberty to include the draft here.
I hope that's acceptable.

BR, Karen

Karen Egede Nielsen, System Manager, Ericsson Telebit A/S
Phone:  + 45 89385100, Fax:  + 45 89385101
Phone Direct: + 45 89385313, Mobile:+ 45 25134336

   Network Working Group                                      M. Morelli
   INTERNET-DRAFT                                     Telecom Italia Lab
   Expires:  February 18, 2005                                K. Nielsen
                                                                J. Palet
                                                             J. Soininen
                                                             J. Wiljakka

                                                         August 19, 2004

                   Goals for Zero-Configuration Tunneling

Status of this memo

   By submitting this Internet-Draft, I certify that any applicable
   patent or other IPR claims of which I am aware have been disclosed,
   and any of which I become aware will be disclosed, in accordance with
   RFC 3668 (BCP 79).

   By submitting this Internet-Draft, I accept the provisions of Section
   [#3] of RFC 3667 (BCP 78).

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
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   This document describes the set of goals to be fulfilled by a Zero-
   configuration tunneling protocol.

   Zero-configuration tunneling here denotes a minimalistic IPv6-in-IPv4
   automatic tunneling mechanism that could be used by a Service

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   Provider to offer IPv6 connectivity to its customers in early phases
   of IPv4 to IPv6 transition.

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction.....................................................2
   2. Terminology......................................................3
   3. Scope............................................................4
   4. Assumptions and Prerequisites....................................4
      4.1. Applicability Assumptions...................................4
      4.2. 3GPP Compliance Prerequisite................................5
   5. Timing...........................................................5
   6. Goals............................................................6
      6.1. Simplicity..................................................6
      6.2. Automated IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnel establishment.................6
      6.3. Use native when available...................................6
      6.4. Easy to deploy and Easy to Phase-out with no modifications on
      existing equipment...............................................6
      6.5. Tunnel Server End-point Discovery...........................7
      6.6. Address Assignment..........................................7
      6.7. Tunnel Link Sustainability..................................7
      6.8. Tunnel End-point Reachability Detection.....................7
      6.9. Private and public IPv4 addresses...........................7
      6.10. Security...................................................8
   7. Non Goals........................................................8
      7.1. NAT and Firewall Traversal..................................8
      7.2. IPv6 DNS....................................................8
      7.3. Extensibility...............................................8
      7.4. Registration burden.........................................9
   8. Security Considerations..........................................9
      8.1. Threats to existing network infrastructures.................9
      8.2. Threats to nodes implementing Zero-configuration tunneling.10
         8.2.1. Threats to end-hosts..................................10
         8.2.2. Threats to tunnel servers.............................11
   9. Acknowledgments.................................................11
   10. Authors Contact Information....................................11
   11. References.....................................................12
   Appendix A Out of Scope............................................13
   Appendix B Open Issues.............................................13

1. Introduction

   The IETF v6ops Working Group has identified and analyzed deployment
   scenarios for IPv4/IPv6 transition mechanisms in various stages of
   IPv6 deployment and IPv6 and IPv4 coexistence.

   This work has been carried out for a number of different network
   environments each with their particular characteristics: Enterprise,
   ISP, Unmanaged and 3GPP networks, see e.g., [2], [3] and [4].

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   The work has identified a need for automatic IPv6-in-IPv4 tunneling
   mechanisms that provide bidirectional IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnel
   connectivity between dual stack end-nodes located at an IPv4-only
   access network and dual-stack tunnel servers located at IPv6-IPv4
   network boundaries within the Service Providers network.

   The term Zero-configuration tunneling is used in this document to
   denote an IPv6-in-IPv4 tunneling mechanism that fulfills the goals as
   put forward here.

   A Zero-configuration tunneling mechanism provides a basic set of
   tunneling features only, and intentionally so. The scope of zero-
   configuration tunneling is not to provide emulation of the full suite
   of native IPv6 connectivity functions; rather the focus is on
   providing a minimal set of features required for automatic
   establishment of IPv6 connectivity.

   The starting point for the definition of the set of goals to be
   fulfilled by a zero-configuration tunneling mechanism has been the
   set of features required for the IPv6-in-IPv4 tunneling mechanism
   envisaged to be needed during the early phases of IPv6 transition in
   3GPP environments as described in [4].

   The applicability of Zero-configuration tunneling may widen to other
   transition scenarios.

   For scenarios demanding advanced tunneling features, for example full
   emulation of native (though tunneled) IPv6 connectivity, a more full-
   fledged tunneling mechanism is envisaged to be deployed, see [5].
   With respect to the latter, an analysis of appropriate mechanisms for
   automatic discovery of the tunnel endpoint is being done in [6].

2. Terminology

   Zero-configuration tunneling site:
   A logical IPv4 network over which IPv6 connectivity is provided to
   dual-stack nodes by means of zero-configuration tunneling.

   Tunnel endpoint:
   A dual-stack node performing IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnel
   encapsulation/decapsulation in accordance with zero-configuration

   Tunnel Server:
   A dual-stack server node with native IPv6 connectivity and which
   provides IPv6 connectivity to client nodes by performing IPv6-in-IPv4
   tunnel encapsulation/decapsulation to/from client nodes in accordance
   with zero-configuration tunneling.

   A tunnel server is likely to be a dual-stack router.

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3. Scope

   The scope of Zero-configuration tunneling is restricted to the
   absolute minimal set of functions required to provide automatic IPv6
   connectivity establishment to dual stack nodes by means of IPv6-in-
   IPv4 encapsulation, [1], to tunnel servers under the assumptions and
   prerequisites described in Section 4.

   The primary goal of Zero-configuration tunneling is to provide IPv6
   connectivity to nodes on an individual basis. By this it is meant
   that it is only an explicit goal to have a /128 address allocated for
   connectivity on the tunnel link. As such optimal IPv6 connectivity
   provisioning in Personal Area Network (PAN) scenarios are not
   explicitly within the scope of Zero-configuration tunneling.

   Direct tunneling is neither an explicit goal nor explicitly excluded
   in Zero-configuration tunneling.

   Zero-configuration tunneling does not attempt to provide emulation of
   the full set of native IPv6 connectivity functions as defined by [7],
   [8] (and [9]).

4. Assumptions and Prerequisites

4.1. Applicability Assumptions

   Zero-Configuration Tunneling is a tunneling mechanism by the virtue
   of which dual-stacks hosts, attached to IPv4-only networks links, can
   use IPv6-in-IPv4 encapsulation ([1]) to tunnel servers for global
   IPv6 connectivity.

   The aim of the document is to define the set of goals to be fulfilled
   by zero-configured tunneling when the following assumptions are made
   on the deployment environment:

      - IPv4 source addresses spoofing within the zero-configuration
        tunneling site is prevented.
      - The zero-configuration tunneling site is protected from proto-41
        encapsulated packets arriving from external IPv4 networks.
      - At least one authoritative DNS server is IPv4-enabled and at
        least one recursive DNS server supports IPv4. Further IPv4 DNS
        Server discovery is provided by already existing means/means
        outside the scope of the tunnel protocol.
      - There are no NATs in between the tunnel endpoints in the zero-
        configuration tunneling site.
      - The zero-configuration tunneling network is fully penetrable for
        intra-site IPv6-in-IPv4 Protocol 41 traffic.
      - The user is being authenticated to the network by means external
        to the tunneling protocol and other than that no additional
        authentication/registration mechanisms are required.

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   The above assumptions are believed to be readily applicable to the
   3GPP tunneling transition scenario described in [4], section 3.1.

4.2. 3GPP Compliance Prerequisite

   It is a prerequisite that zero-configuration tunneling should be
   applicable in 3GPP wireless networks. When considering the
   characteristics of 3GPP network links and mobile terminals / User
   Equipment (UE), the following points need to be taken into account:
      - Link bandwidth (tunnel overhead / usage cost)
      - Link latency
      - UE battery power and derived implications on memory and
        processing power

   It is thus an explicit requirement for zero-configuration tunneling
   to comply well with the constrained conditions put on the above
   parameters by the 3GPP environments. The latter which commonly is
   recognized as translating into requirements for the protocol to
   operate with a limited number of message exchanges, small packet
   sizes and simple message processing.

   Here we shall refer to a protocol as being lightweight when its
   demands on message exchanges, packet sizes and message processing
   complexity are sufficiently light for it to be readily applicable in
   environments characterized by the constrained conditions of 3GPP
   networks (as described above).

   As a mean to ensure that the protocol be lightweight it is considered
   preferable for the protocol to provide a simple set of functions
   only, even if it provides only a basic IPv6 service compared to the
   native one. (Although it is acknowledged that additional
   functionality doesn't necessarily automatically add to the demands on
   the afore mentioned parameters.)

5. Timing

   For the purpose of 3GPP deployment it is a prerequisite that this
   tunneling protocol is provided within a very restrictive timescale.

   Zero-configuration tunneling is envisaged to be deployed in 3GPP
   networks as an initial and temporary mechanism to provide limited
   IPv6 connectivity services. Native IPv6 like connectivity is in 3GPP
   environments envisaged to be feasible by virtue of true native IPv6

   Trial deployments, in which zero-configuration type of IPv6
   connectivity is provided in 3GPP environments, are starting up using
   experimental protocols at the time of writing this document.

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6. Goals

   The goals to be achieved by zero-configuration tunneling are detailed
   in the following subsections.

6.1. Simplicity

   By simplicity, we understand a tunnel protocol that is simple in the
   sense that it allows for easy implementation in the targeted
   environments. In particular it should provide a reasonable, limited
   set of basic IPv6 connectivity features.

   Further by simplicity we imply that the protocol must be lightweight.

6.2. Automated IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnel establishment

   The IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnels and the IPv6 connectivity must be
   established in an automated manner, i.e. without requiring manual
   intervention at any of the tunnel end-points at tunnel establishment

   The mechanism must be fully dynamic in the sense that it must not
   require IP address information such as the IPv4 address of a Tunnel
   Server and/or the IPv6 address(es) to use for IPv6 connectivity to be
   configured on the end-hosts beforehand.

6.3. Use native when available

   The tunnel protocol should allow the usage of native IPv6
   connectivity whenever such is available.

   The protocol must in no way restrict the native IPv6 capabilities of
   the client node.

   IPv6 native connectivity must be preferred if available.

6.4. Easy to deploy and Easy to Phase-out with no modifications on
   existing equipment

   The tunnel protocol should be easy to deploy into the existing IPv4
   and IPv6 network infrastructure.

   The tunnel protocol should have no major impact on protocols and
   infrastructure nodes deployed in existing infrastructures providing
   IPv4 and native IPv6 connectivity.

   The tunnel protocol should coexist and work seamlessly together with
   any native IPv6 infrastructure that gradually may be implemented in
   the network. The tunnel protocol should have no negative implications
   on how such are implemented.

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   The tunnel protocol must be easy to take out of service once native
   IPv6 is available.

6.5. Tunnel Server End-point Discovery

   The tunnel protocol must provide a mechanism for automated end-point
   discovery by the virtue of which end-hosts automatically and at run-
   time can determine the IPv4 addresses of available Tunnel Servers.

   The discovery mechanism should rely on services intrinsic, read
   already universally deployed services, to the particular network
   environment. It should not require the addition of additional IP
   network infrastructure elements for this function only.

   The analysis done in [6] may apply.

6.6. Address Assignment

   The tunnel protocol must allow for the assignment of at least one
   globally routable (/128) IPv6 unicast address to use for tunneled
   IPv6 connectivity over the link provided by the zero-configuration
   tunneling mechanism.

   It is preferable that the address assignment provides a stable
   address, that is, an address that can be used for IPv6 connectivity
   for a certain amount of time rather than solely one address per
   higher layer session initiation.

6.7. Tunnel Link Sustainability

   The tunnel link established in between a host deploying zero-
   configuration tunneling and an associated tunnel server should be
   expected to remain in administrative active state for the duration of
   the validity of the IPv6 address provided to the host.

   The tunnel protocol must not mandate keep-alive messages to be
   transmitted by the host simply in order to sustain tunnel link

6.8. Tunnel End-point Reachability Detection

   The tunnel protocol must allow for means, comparative with the
   neighbor (un-)reachability detection functions provided by IPv6 ND,
   for one tunnel end-point to verify the reachability of other tunnel
   end-points towards which it intends to send packets.

6.9. Private and public IPv4 addresses

   The tunnel protocol must work over IPv4 sites deploying both private
   and public IPv4 addresses.

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   Furthermore, the tunnel protocol should work with both dynamic and
   static IPv4 address allocation.

   Motivation: Private IPv4 addresses are widely used in current 3GPP

6.10. Security

   The tunnel protocol should not impose any new vulnerability to the
   existing network infrastructure.

   The tunnel protocol should not impose any new vulnerability to the
   nodes implementing the tunnel protocol than what is already present
   in existing IPv6 networks, where multiple hosts are served by the
   same router (possible multiple routers).

7. Non Goals

   Non-goals of zero-configured tunneling are detailed in the following

   With the term Non-goals we refer to features that generally are
   believed to be applicable to tunneling, but which are not among the
   minimal set of required features of Zero-Configuration Tunneling. The
   latter primarily because of the prerequisites for Zero-Configuration
   Tunneling and/or because of the assumptions made on the applicability
   environments for Zero-Configuration Tunneling, e.g., see Section 4.

7.1. NAT and Firewall Traversal

   NAT and Firewall traversal is not required due to the assumptions on
   the applicability environment.

   Moreover to minimize the tunneling overhead applied to the packets as
   well as in order to minimize the number of tunnel set-up signaling
   messages exchanged on the wire, is preferable that the protocol does
   not deploy the UDP encapsulation techniques, on which mechanisms able
   to traverse NATs and Firewalls normally rely.

7.2. IPv6 DNS

   By virtue of the assumptions on the applicability environments IPv4
   transport and IPv4 DNS discovery mechanisms can be relied on for DNS

   Consequently the tunnel protocol does not need to provide the means
   to the end-host to deploy IPv6 for DNS services.

7.3. Extensibility

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   As a minimal tunneling mechanism Zero-configuration tunneling targets
   IPv6 connectivity provisioning only. The protocol need not be readily
   extendable to outer encapsulation mechanisms, e.g., IPv4-in-IPv6.

7.4. Registration burden

   Tunnel service registration is not required due to the assumptions on
   the applicability environment.

   In order to keep the simplicity and minimize the tunnel overhead it
   is desirable that the tunnel protocol not in itself (e.g., in order
   to meet the goals put forward in this document) mandates
   authenticated registration of the user.

8. Security Considerations

   The following considerations apply to the situation where Zero-
   configuration tunneling is deployed in between tunnel servers and
   end-hosts only. The implications of the usage of direct tunneling in
   between end-hosts is not considered.

   It is assumed that the following assumptions of Section 4 are valid
   in the particular network environment:

      - IPv4 source addresses spoofing within the zero-configuration
        tunneling site is prevented.
      - The zero-configuration tunneling site is protected from proto-41
        encapsulated packets arriving from external IPv4 networks.

   It is worthwhile to note that together these assumptions imply that
   the IPv4 source of all proto-41 tunneled packets is legitimate.

8.1. Threats to existing network infrastructures

   As stated in Section 6.10 the tunnel protocol should not impose any
   new vulnerability to the existing network infrastructure.

   The following have been identified as potential threats opened up for
   by the deployment of zero-configuration tunneling:

      - Network infrastructure nodes cannot in an attempt to protect the
        end-hosts by default filter out intra-site (i.e. internally
        sourced and destined) ipv6-in-ipv4 tunneled packets.
      - As the tunnel service is un-authenticated (not registered) the
        tunnel server may be usable to reflect tunneled packets into the
        network, similar to the 6to4-reflection attacks identified in
        Error! Reference source not found..
      - The usage of zero-configuration tunneling may open up for
        threats to other mechanisms in the network that rely on proto-41

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   Detailed analysis of the validity of these threats will have to
   depend on the particular zero-configuration solution. In general it
   could be noted that attacks based on the above threats largely should
   be preventable if the end-hosts in the network implement appropriate
   drop policies, either simple drop all proto-41 policies or more
   differentiated policies based, e.g., on source addresses.

8.2. Threats to nodes implementing Zero-configuration tunneling

   As stated in Section 6.10 the tunnel protocol should not impose any
   new vulnerability to the nodes implementing the tunnel protocol than
   what is already present in existing IPv6 networks, where multiple
   hosts are served by the same router (possible multiple routers).

   Here it is implicitly implied that the tunnel server(s) take the role
   of default routers and the end-nodes using zero-configuration
   tunneling for IPv6 connectivity the role of hosts in multi-access

8.2.1. Threats to end-hosts

   Given that all IPv4 sources of proto-41 tunneled packets can be
   assumed to be legitimate, threats stemming from encapsulated packets
   sourced by nodes (addresses) other than nodes (addresses) which the
   end-hosts recognize as tunnel servers (identified by addresses) can,
   if not already an intrinsic part of the zero-configuration protocol,
   easily be mitigated by the implementation of appropriate
   differentiated (source addresses) drop policies in the end-hosts,
   i.e., accept only if source is tunnel server.

   In current multi-access IPv6 networks hosts need to trust on the
   benevolence of their default routers as well as hosts must trust that
   anyone impersonating as a router is indeed one, see, e.g., the trust
   models and threats described in [11].

   Future multi-access IPv6 networks may rely on SEND mechanisms, i.e.,
   mechanisms developed in the SEND WG in order to mitigate the threats
   described in [11], to establish a trust relations ship in between
   host and routers.

   In order for an end-host deploying zero-configuration tunneling to
   trust that packets it perceives as stemming from tunnel servers do
   actually also stem form such as well as for the end-host to trust on
   the benevolence of its tunnel servers it suffices that a sufficiently
   trustworthy tunnel server end-point discovery mechanism, read
   discovery of benevolent tunnel servers IPv4 address(es), is

   In open environments, such as, e.g., the 3GPP environment, it is
   assumed a prerequisite that a trustworthy zero-configuration tunnel
   server end-point discovery mechanism is implemented.

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8.2.2. Threats to tunnel servers

   No specific threats to the tunnel server have been identified.

9. Acknowledgments

   Prior work by J. Mulahusic on the requirements for UE tunneling has
   been considered in the initial stage of the work.

   This work has benefited from input and comments provided by Fred
   Templin in the initial phase of the work.

   Corresponding work on assisted-tunneling, [5], has been an
   inspiration for the zero-configuration tunneling work.

10. Authors Contact Information

              Mario Morelli
              Telecom Italia Lab.
              Via Guglilmo Reiss Romoli, 274
              I-10148 Turin,

              Phone: +39 011 228 7790
              Fax: +39 011 228 5069
              Email: mario.morelli@tilab.com

              Karen Egede Nielsen
              Skanderborgvej 232
              8260 Viby J

              Phone: + 45 89 38 51 00
              Email: karen.e.nielsen@ericsson.com

              Jordi Palet Martinez
              San Jose Artesano, 1
              Alcobendas - Madrid
              E-28108 - Spain

              Phone: +34 91 151 81 99
              Fax:   +34 91 151 81 98
              EMail: jordi.palet@consulintel.es

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              Juha Wiljakka
              Visiokatu 3
              33720 TAMPERE

              Phone: +358 7180 48372
              EMail: juha.wiljakka@nokia.com

              Jonne Soininen
              Linnoitustie 6
              02600 ESPOO

              Phone: +358 7180 08000
              EMail: jonne.soininen@nokia.com

11. References

   [1]  Nordmark, E., Basic Transition Mechanisms for IPv6 Hosts and
        Routers, draft-ietf-v6ops-mech-v2-04.txt (work in progress),
        July 2004.
   [2]  Lind, M., Scenarios and Analysis for Introducing IPv6 into ISP
        Networks, draft-ietf-v6ops-isp-scenarios-analysis-03.txt (work
        in progress), June 2004.
   [3]  Huitema, C., Evaluation of Transition Mechanisms for Unmanaged
        Networks, draft-ietf-v6ops-unmaneval-03.txt (work in progress),
        June 2004.
   [4]  Wiljakka, J., Analysis on IPv6 Transition in 3GPP Networks,
        draft-ietf-v6ops-3gpp-analysis-10.txt (work in progress), May
   [5]  Durand, A., Requirements for assisted tunneling, draft-ietf-
        v6ops-assisted-tunneling-requirements-00.txt (work in progress),
        June 2004.
   [6]  Palet, J., Analysis of IPv6 Tunnel End-point Discovery
        Mechanisms, draft-palet-v6ops-tun-auto-disc-01.txt (work in
        progress), June 2004.
   [7]  Wasserman, M., Recommendations for IPv6 in 3GPP standards, RFC
   [8]  Loughney, J., IPv6 Node Requirements, draft-ietf-ipv6-node-
        requirements-10.txt (work in progress), August 2004.
   [9]  IAB, IESG, IAB/IESG Recommendations on IPv6 Address Allocations
        to Sites, RFC 3177.
   [10] Savola, P., Security Considerations for 6to4, draft-ietf-v6ops-
        6to4-security-04.txt (work in progress), July 2004.
   [11] Nikander, P., IPv6 Neighbor Discovery (ND) Trust Models and
        Threats, RFC 3756.

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Appendix A Out of Scope

   [Editor's Note: This appendix can be removed in a future revision of
   this document]

   The following issues have been considered as being out of scope of
   this work.


   DNS registration of the IPv6 addresses allocated to dual stack nodes
   while deploying Zero-configuration tunneling for IPv6 connectivity.

   Mobile IPv6:

   Support of Mobile IPv6 usage over the tunnel-link; here under
   potential mechanisms required to support MIPv6 movement detection as
   well as fast tunnel set-up for Mobile IPv6 session survivability.

Appendix B Open Issues

   [Editor's Note: This appendix can be removed in a future revision of
   this document]

   Allow NATs that support proto-41 forwarding:
   Should the no NATs assumption be relaxed to allow only NATs which
   support proto-41 forwarding ?

Intellectual Property Statement

   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
   Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to
   pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in
   this document or the extent to which any license under such rights
   might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has
   made any independent effort to identify any such rights. Information
   on the IETF's procedures with respect to rights in IETF Documents can
   be found in RFC 3667 (BCP 78) and RFC 3668 (BCP 79).

   Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any
   assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an
   attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of
   such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this
   specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository at

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   The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
   copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary
   rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement
   this standard. Please address the information to the IETF at ietf-

Copyright Statement

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2004). This document is subject
   to the rights, licenses and restrictions contained in BCP 78, and
   except as set forth therein, the authors retain all their rights.

Disclaimer of Validity

   This document and the information contained herein are provided on an

This Internet-Draft expires February 18, 2005.

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