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We seem to be getting close to being done; I'd like to submit the 
drafts today and conclude this discussion:


On Wed, 25 Aug 2004, Karen E. Nielsen (AH/TED) wrote:
> I would thus suggest to say something like the following:
>  Configured tunnelling:
>                 IPv6-over-IPv4 tunnelling where the IPv4 tunnel endpoint
>                 address(es) are determined by configuration information
>                 on tunnel endpoints.  All tunnels are assumed to be
>                 bidirectional.  At the IPv6 layer the tunnel provides
>                 a virtual point-to-point link, the lower layer endpoints 
>                 of which are the IPv4 tunnel endpoint addresses 

OK -- I tweaked it a bit to:

        Configured tunneling:

                IPv6-over-IPv4 tunneling where the IPv4 tunnel endpoint
                address(es) are determined by configuration information
                on tunnel endpoints.  All tunnels are assumed to be
                bidirectional.  At the IPv6 layer the tunnel provides a
                (virtual) point-to-point link, the lower layer endpoints
                of which are the configured IPv4 addresses.

> An additional issue (really minor - may be ignored)
> that I have with 05 is the second last paragraph 
> on page 6:
> "In configured tunnelling, the tunnel endpoint address is determined
>    from configuration information in the encapsulator.  For each tunnel,
>    the encapsulator must store the tunnel endpoint address.  When an
>    IPv6 packet is transmitted over a tunnel, the tunnel endpoint address
>    configured for that tunnel is used as the destination address for the
>    encapsulating IPv4 header."
> Reading this I can't help wondering - "and what about the source
> address ?". It would be good for completeness also to say where the
> source address comes from, if nothing else then simply by adding a
> reference to a place in the doc, where this is specified.

It's hinted at in the last paragraph of that section, and in section 
3.5, so I reworded the paragraph to:

   In configured tunneling, the tunnel endpoint addresses are determined
   in the encapsulator from configuration information stored for each
   tunnel.  When an IPv6 packet is transmitted over a tunnel, the
   destination and source addresses for the encapsulating IPv4 header
   are set based on that information as described in Section 3.5.

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings