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Re: mech-v2-05rc

As a recap, the problem we're working to fix is the text change that was introduced in "draft-...05", which was giving "addresses" the role of tunnel endpoints.

I am trying to bring the definition in line with the architectural concepts/definition, and restore consistency:

- addresses are identifiers of nodes/interfaces
- nodes/interfaces are endpoints of ptop links.

So, the text lastly suggested restores the role of identifiers to "addresses".

Please see further in line:

Pekka Savola wrote:

On Fri, 27 Aug 2004, Karen E. Nielsen (AH/TED) wrote:

I agree that your text, Alex, may be more fluently to read.
My English, however, isn't really adequate for wordsmithing, and (perhaps for that very reason) I see no reasons to change the long text.

To be fair, I think Alex was suggesting changing the current text in the similar way as he proposed changing the original text, so, like:

IPv6-over-IPv4 tunneling where the IPv4 tunnel endpoint address(es)
are determined by configuration information on tunnel endpoints. All
tunnels are assumed to be bidirectional. At the IPv6 layer the tunnel
provides a (virtual) point-to-point link, the lower layer endpoints of
which are the configured IPv4 addresses.


IPv6-over-IPv4 tunneling where the IPv4 tunnel endpoint address(es)
are determined by configuration information on tunnel endpoints. All
tunnels are assumed to be bidirectional. At the IPv6 layer the tunnel
provides a (virtual) point-to-point link, using IPv4 addresses of the
endpoints as lower layer addresses.

, which I was arguing against (without knowing the specific proposal),
because it would not clearly specify that there are just two endpoint
v4 addresses per tunnel.

This can be resolved by:

IPv6-over-IPv4 tunneling where the IPv4 tunnel endpoint address(es)
are determined by configuration information on tunnel endpoints. All
tunnels are assumed to be bidirectional. At the IPv6 layer the tunnel provides a (virtual) point-to-point link, using a pair of an IPv4 address of each of the endpoints as lower layer addresses.


IPv6-over-IPv4 tunneling where the IPv4 tunnel endpoint address(es)
are determined by configuration information on tunnel endpoints. All
tunnels are assumed to be bidirectional. At the IPv6 layer the tunnel provides a (virtual) point-to-point link, using a pair of IPv4 addresses of each of the endpoints as lower layer addresses.

Regards, Alex

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