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Teredo client - native IPv6 client communication


I'm a bit confused how the case where initial communication is established between a Teredo client (behind restricted NAT) and a native IPv6 client, is handled. When the Teredo relay receives the ICMPv6 echo reply from the native IPv6 client it queues it and send a bubble to the Teredo client's Teredo server. When Teredo server receives the bubble it encapsulates it to a new UDP datagram and sets its own IPv4 address and port as the source. 

Now, all I could find in the draft was that if a client receives a packet from its Teredo Server with an origin indication, it should perform "direct IPv6 connectivity test" (section 5.2.3). How is the mapping created to the NAT for the ICMPv6 echo reply packet from the Teredo relay? Should a direct bubble be sent to the Teredo relay instead of the "direct IPv6 connectivity test"? That's the what I understand the relay is expecting.

Markku Ala-Vannesluoma

Tel: +358 50 031 32 14
E-mail: markku.ala-vannesluoma@nokia.com