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Re: why the usagi-linux26-s****.tar.bz2 is unavailable?

On Tue, 5 Oct 2004, Chen Yan wrote:

> Dear All,
> I am just a newer to study Linux for IPV6.
> My linux core is 2.6.I want to add usagi to support IPV6 appication. But I try several usagi such as: usagi-linux26-s****.tar.bz2, all are unavailable.
> Whould you please tell me why and what I should do ?

You simply need to compile v6 support into your kernel, which is native to
the 2.6 series of kernels, meaning that you do not need to patch the

> And another question:
> How can I add a 6to4 tunnel?

Please search google for "ipv6 tunnel broker."  You can then choose
which tunnel broker you would like to tunnel to.  The broker you choose
will forward you a script for tunnel setup.


> Thank you !
> Yale
> RRS716
> CS Department

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