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RE: REVIEW NEEDED: draft-ietf-v6ops-ent-analysis-00.txt (fwd)

> ... [Section 5.1]
> Then, the IPv6
>  intranet communication will not be efficient, as it will require
>  all the traffic to be forwarded by the IPv4 infrastructure to the
>  Tunnel-End-Point located at the ISP. This could be acceptable if
>  the IPv6 applications do not require intranet communication at all,
>  for example in the case the application server that is located
>  outside of the enterprise network, or in other networks of the same
>  enterprise.
> ==> this section discusses only efficiency (AFAICS), but a major factor
> whether to pass internal traffic to the ISP (and back) is about trust.
> For
> most enterprises I know (and all the big ones, I'd suspect), they don't
> want
> to give external folks any chance of intercepting internal communications,
> which might or might not be encrypted, and might or might not contain
> classified information.

I agree this is more about trust than efficiency, and I would suggest, at
a minimum, deleting:

", or in other networks of the same enterprise"

Also, it is often about weak authentication on internal networks
(intranets) as much as about intercepted message contents.

It's likely preferable to use the word "proprietary" rather than

Regards, Richard