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Re: REVIEW NEEDED: draft-ietf-v6ops-ent-analysis-00.txt

Thanks Tim, just one follow-up

Why use 6to4 or a broker for a large enterprise when a specific tunnel
can be set up?

Indeed, that is better if possible. But with a disobliging ISP, it might not be possible.

>  ...Use of
>  6to4 also prevents the enterprise adopting aggregatable global IPv6
>  addressing from the outset.

True... but so what? It's a solution you use only as long as you have to, and then you switch to an aggregatable prefix. This wouldn't affect internal network usage at all, apart from updating the prefix.

Well, "apart from updating the prefix" menas a whole site renumbering
exercise, and that's uncessary pain when you can use 2001: space from an
ISP who is quite likely to be your future native IPv6 provider.

Again, that doesn't work with a disobliging ISP. And we just *have* to make prefix updates a feasible option for IPv6; otherwise we will slowly slide back to a pre-CIDR state as sites wave money at ISPs.
