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RE: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-v6ops-assisted-tunneling-requirements-0 1.txt

-- On Monday, November 01, 2004 11:11:28 +0100, Karen E. Nielsen (AH/LMD) wrote:

One comment:

The following paragraph of Section 1 should be made clearer,
I think.

"Contrary to automatic tunneling mechanism where the IPv4 address is
   embedded inside the IPv6 address, no special format are imposed on
   the IPv6 address used in assisted tunneling.  Prefix delegation is
   also possible.  As the addressing space used during the transition to
   native remains the same, the customer routing, filtering, accounting
   stay the same, and there is no need to maintain any kind of relay."

If the intended meaning is to say that the IPv6 addresses used during
transition must be usable also when the users has moved to native, this
should be made clearer here as well as in Section 4.1.

What is intended here and in section 4.1 is to say that an ISP can use its own IPv6 address space from its initial deployment using this transition mechanism, up to native deployment (naturally). Section 4.1 refers to section 5.1 in [I-D.ietf-v6ops-isp-scenarios-analysis], where text can be found saying that it is preferable to use the ISP address space.

Would adding something like the following to the last sentence make this clearer?
"An ISP can use its own IPv6 address space using this transition mechanism. As the address space used during ..."

Again if the above is the intended meaning, it is valid of course to note that that this preclude mechanisms which rely on special encoding of the underlying Ipv4 in the Ipv6 addresses.

The following paragraph in the draft says: "assisted tunneling protocol negotiate the tunnel parameters and does not depend on having the IPv4 address inside the IPv6 address, for example". The tunnel parameters are exchanged between the server and client. I don't rerally see and advantage in using special IPv6 address encoding if you don't have to. Unless I'm missing your point?

Thanks the feedback Karen.
