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Re: Tunnel Discovery

Bound, Jim wrote:

Appears to me we have a few specs doing tunnel endpoint discovery or
automation of tunnels.  At this point I think we need to see if we need
one document.  Two I reviewed are below:


The above has good uses cases but I am not clear DNS should be used in
the manner suggested operationally.

There is also: http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-yamamoto-naptr-service-discovery-00.txt


The above is approaching the problem correctly and a good piece of work.
And also a good vechicle to documet the various issues and opportunities
for work.

This one is a requirement document, not a solution one..

Does the working group believe tunnel discovery is important to automate
or have means to set up policy or do we leave to the market, given all
other work we have to do? I don't know right now?

IMHO, this is/should be on the critical path of this wg.

   - Alain.