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Re: Comments on draft-ietf-v6ops-assisted-tunneling-requirements-01

-- On Monday, November 08, 2004 18:32:40 +0000, Tim Chown wrote:

>   This discovery should be automatic when the protocol is used within
>   an ISP network.  There is no service discovery requirements when used
>   outside the provider network (roaming users, 3rd party ISP).
>>> But if I'm at the IETF, outside my university/ISP network, I really
>>> do
>   want to discover a tunnel end point automatically...?

Yes, which is why its written "no service discovery requirements when
used  outside the provider network".

I guess I read it differently... as a user I would like automatic discovery wherever I am; I think you are writing from the provider perspective?

Should we remove this paragraph and let the scope of the discovery be worked out in another document (tun-auto-disc)?

This would then read:

4.5 Service Discovery

  In order to facilitate deployment, the implementation should allow a
  mechanism to discover the address of the server that will provide the
  tunnel connectivity.

  Tunnel end-point discovery mechanism work
  ([I-D.palet-v6ops-tun-auto-disc] is applicable here.

