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Fwd: Re: draft-ietf-ngtrans-isatap-22.txt

After receiving news today from the RFC-Editor of complications with the
publication procedures for this document, I have just sent the forwarded
message below in reply. To those who were genuinely looking forward to
successful publication, I am sorry that I will no longer be able to head up
the effort. To those who were genuinely supportive of the authors' best
interests, my sincere thanks.
Fred L. Templin

Fred Templin <osprey67@yahoo.com> wrote:
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 19:30:38 -0800 (PST)
From: Fred Templin
Subject: Re: draft-ietf-ngtrans-isatap-22.txt
To: RFC Editor , tgleeson@cisco.com,
mohitt@microsoft.com, dthaler@microsoft.com
CC: braden@ISI.EDU, smb@research.att.com, zinin@psg.com, osprey67@yahoo.com

IMHO (and speaking only for myself) significant factions in the IETF are clearly
deeply committed to endless gamesmanship with respect to this particular
document. Up to now my co-authors and I have participated in good faith, but
that faith has been betrayed time and again by bad politics and ill-mannered
individuals. As such (and after many years of strenuous concerted effort as
witnessed by mailing list archives) I no longer have faith that additional energy
contributed toward this enterprise could possibly bear fruits. I therefore regret
that I must inform you of my decision to abandon the effort as lead author.

To my co-authors, I would like to wish each of you the very best in deciding
how to proceed from here. I will be happy to turn over to you any materials
you may need to continue the effort should you choose to do so. Please be
aware that my former employer (SRI International) is claiming IPR - see:


Since I am no longer associated with SRI (and since I have no legal expertise
as basis for advising you) I recommend working through the contact information
found on the IPR statement if you should have any questions.


Fred L. Templin