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Re: Situation with draft-ietf-v6ops-v6onbydefault-03.txt

On Nov 18, 2004, at 10:59 AM, Pekka Savola wrote:

There is another aspect, which is what to publish in the DNS, and this is where there is overlap with the draft in DNSop "don't publish unreachable". Essentially, publishing IPv6 addresses in the global DNS when one does not have global IPv6 connectivity is no different than publishing IPv4 RFC1918 type addresses...

Agree. This was a tricky document with no clear progress at dnsop meeting. Someone should take it up, and document the issues with general unreachable address publication, as well as tradeoffs with ULA or similar addresses in the DNS.

Tim Chown & I have half committed to take that one

About default address, there is an issue for apps that are using UDP and are (miss?)configured with an unreachable literal IPv6 address. This is typically the case for a DNS stub-resolver that is configured with a list of literal addresses. We had to introduce an extra rule to take care of that.

Could you elaborate a bit what you mean by that?

I have to take my previous statement back, I was a bit confused. I meant to refer to the suggested rule 2.5 for address selection in section "2.1 Problems with Default Address Selection for IPv6" of draft-ietf-v6ops-v6onbydefault-03.txt

It essentially says that choosing a src address with different reachability
properties than the destination address (here src = link local, dst = global,
but there might be other bad combinations with ULA) is a bad idea.

	- Alain.