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Re: draft-huitema-v6ops-teredo-03.txt

This is ab it incomplete; not only are small groups needed, but there
also needs to be ways to track the accountability of the small groups.
Hierarchical organizations, are needed from the top-down level. For
example, the US goverment is organized as a hierarchy of federal,
state, county, and local communities with accountability feeding
from the lower levels up the chain. This is NOT to say there should
be a "big brother" wacthing over everyone - only that a consistent
and fair manner of governing the small groups through hierarchies
be in place - with the ability for goverment to step in if and only
if groups or individuals go astray.
A hybrid bridge/router/firewall approach with the ISATP router as the point of
demarcation for communications destined to the local group and bridging
for VLANs passing through to other local groups supports this hierarchy.
The ISATP router is alsot the correct location for a just-in-time firewall
before any harmful communicatins can reach an unprotected final
Fred L. Templin

"Fred L. Templin" <cktflt@pacbell.net> wrote:
The answer is in small groups. Not perfect groups, but groups that are
accountable for the actions of individual members. Groups that can respect
the individuals' privacy, but also provide a central base for healing if any of
them embers goes astray. Surely there must be a way to make this work
out - and the way has to involve close cooperatrion with a numbre or
technologies - not just Teredo alone.
Fred L. Templin