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Re: Request for review: draft-huston-ip6-iana-registry-01.txt

On Tue, 2004-12-14 at 20:20 -0800, David Kessens wrote:
> I would like to draw your attention to the following draft:
> draft-huston-ip6-iana-registry-01.txt

Good idea, flipping through it quickly doesn't reveal any issues either.
One thing that might be a good idea though is that IANA offers a whois
service which gives a referral to the real whois registry for that
prefix. This would allow one to simply have a client that does something
in the form of:

$ whois -h whois.iana.org 2001:db8::1

inet6num:     2001:0DB8::/32
remarks:      RIR: APNIC
remarks:      RFC: RFC 3849
referral:     whois.apnic.net

The huge advantage: client implementors won't ever have to update their
clients again, because the question can be asked to the central registry
which only outputs a few lines, thus should not be a huge load either.


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