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Re:Feedback on proposed charter from the IESG

On Sat, 22 Jan 2005, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ wrote:
I radically disagree with:

"The main focus of the v6ops WG is to look at the immediate
deployment issues; more advanced stages of deployment and transition
are a lower priority."

We know how long takes the IETF process, so if we put in lower priority
"more advanced stages", then we are endangering the deployment. Furthermore,
where is the bar for what is advanced for you or for me ? For example, we
are now deploying IPv6-only networks. Is that advanced or not ?

Yes, many people have been deploying IPv6-only networks for some time now. But we have to try to prioritize the work somehow. I think most will agree that it is more important to get dual-stack implications figured out before using a lot of effort to think about what issues IPv6-only would bring.

That said, this might be something that might change in the next rechartering, depending on how the work gets done.

Also: "1. Solicit input from network operators and users to identify", I'm
not a network operator, but do the work for some of them. So this will
actually exclude my input. Should be reworded.

It doesn't say anything about excluding any input, from anywhere :-). It just says that this WG should go to the network operators and users and ask them to list their issues. If they tell those "voluntarily", that's fine. If someone else tells about an issue, that's also fine.

Feel free to suggest a rewording, now or at the charter review stage later on.

Then, if we say "ISP Networks (including Core, HFC/Cable, DSL & Dial-up
networks),", we should mention all the technologies (for example PLC),
otherwise is better to just say "including Core and any kind of access
network). Right ?

I removed everything in ()'s.

If we say "Enterprise Networks, Unmanaged Networks (Home/Small Office), and
Cellular Networks.", somehow we are limiting to those scenarios. Tomorrow we
can come up with a new one. Consequently, it will be better to finish this
sentence with something like: "..., cellular networks, or other unforeseen
scenarios which may become relevant and are not covered by the previous

This is unnecessary, because the text already says "common network environments, such as"; the list is not exclusive (emphasis below mine):

  Publish Informational or BCP RFCs that identify and analyze solutions
  for deploying IPv6 within common network environments, *such as*
  ISP Networks, Enterprise Networks, Unmanaged Networks (Home/Small
  Office), and Cellular Networks.

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings