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Call for Papers - Next Global IPv6 Summit in Spain

Hi all,

As indicated in the email below, the next Global IPv6 Summit in Spain, the
bigger IPv6 European event, in its 4th edition (after a very successful
organization and broad international attendance in 2001, 2002 and 2003),
will be organized this time in Barcelona, next June 2005, with a expected
audience over 2.600 key decisions makers from ICT sectors.

The main target of the event is business oriented talks, as well as talks
oriented to policy makers, information/knowledge society, education and
public sectors.

This Call for Papers doesn't require that you submit a complete paper (which
is welcome also), but instead, a short plain text abstract of your
presentation topic, by email.

Talks regarding deployment experiences, new services and applications will
be of key interest for the expected attendance, and hence highly encouraged.

We believe that key topics will be also those regarding:
1) IPv6 and business
2) IPv6 and Broadband
3) New IPv6-based services and applications
4) IPv6 and the Digital Home
5) IPv6 and Multimedia, Voice/Video applications
6) IPv6, Mobility, Wireless and 3G
7) IPv6 and Ambient Intelligence/Ubiquitous Computing/Distributed Systems
8) IPv6 and GRIDs
9) IPv6 and logistics, transport and eSafety
10) IPv6 for eHealth, eGoverment, eLearning and other "e-whatever"
11) IPv6 and gamming
12) IPv6 and peer-to-peer
13) IPv6 and security
14) IPv6 and Open Source
15) IPv6 and marketing/branding

Also topics regarding Standards, Research, Development and Innovation
experiences are welcome, including R&D projects results.

The Agenda will be drafted early in March, so the dead-line for submitting
your topic is only until 25th February, but as said only a short abstract is

If you're interested in participating, or you have any special idea, even if
your topic is not in the list above, please don't hesitate to contact me
(jordi.palet@consulintel.es) ASAP, so we can work out any options.


PS: Please, feel free to circulate this email among your contacts.

------ Mensaje reenviado
De: JORDI PALET MARTINEZ <jordi.palet@consulintel.es>
Responder a: <jordi.palet@consulintel.es>
Fecha: Mon, 07 Feb 2005 18:25:42 +0100
Para: "members@ipv6forum.com" <members@ipv6forum.com>, <tf-sc@ipv6tf.org>
Asunto: Next Global IPv6 Summit in Spain

Hi all,

As I already informed a few weeks ago, the next Global IPv6 Summit in Spain
will be held this time in Barcelona next June (instead of Madrid in March as
previously forecasted).

This will happen starting on June 6th, with a tutorial in the morning, the
opening ceremony in the afternoon, with some keynotes and then 2-3 days of
IPv6 conference, depending on the success of the call for papers. If
required we can extend our event up to Friday 10th (total 4 days, plus
opening ceremony, plus half day tutorial).

In this occasion, we will try a completely new model, integrating the IPv6
conference in a bigger event, more business oriented, even when technical
sessions will be still present.

The "umbrella" event is Internet Global Congress (IGC), with has been
organized in Barcelona already during the 6 previous years. The Internet
Global Congress, the leading Internet and New Technologies congress in
Spain, is organized by the Fundació Barcelona Digital, a non-profit
organization, which also provides space for exhibition and delivers the IGC
awards for Digital Innovation (aimed to students and professionals with
embryonic Internet projects, aims to be a launch platform for all those
people involved in research and innovation in the field of Internet and the
New Technologies).

IGC provides us all the infrastructure for organizing the Global IPv6 Summit
track, and we only need to manage our own agenda, and consequently our own
call for papers (see next email). They also they care about all the issues
related to registration, proceedings and publicity, at no cost for us.

We expect that this will be the bigger IPv6 event in Europe during 2005,
with an expected attendance over 2.600 people, which of course, will be able
to attend not just to the IPv6 track but also to other IT tracks (already
depicted at http://www.igcweb.net, then click at Program).

The attendance is mainly CTOs, CEOs and other key decision makers related to
ICT, so its a very nice opportunity for IPv6 in Europe to meet a large
audience which probably has not been in touch with IPv6 until now.

I count with the support from all of you, and please do not hesitate to let
me know any ideas that you may have to make an even more successful event
that what for sure we will have in a so nice city as Barcelona.

More information will be soon available at http://www.ipv6-es.com and


Madrid 2003 Global IPv6 Summit
Presentations and videos on line at:

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