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Re: WG last call on NAT-PT to Experimental

On Mar 13, 2005, at 1:56 PM, Bound, Jim wrote:
IPv6 dominant does not mean IPv4 does not exist but that IPv6 has been on purpose chosen to be used and IPv4 is there on all nodes but not being used on a specific network. IPv6 only and IPv6 dominant need differentiation from us as a community. Thus the question is the edge dual IP?

Of course.

The principal use of IPv4 in an otherwise IPv6 network is generally supporting applications that have not made the transition yet, I suspect. I know of some networks (CNGI for example) that are proposing to use a combination of IPv4 and IPv6 within the backbone for various purposes, but only offer an IPv6 edge. You allude to a period in which companies have parts of their infrastructure addressed using IPv4 and parts not. While that is a possible scenario, I doubt its importance - that will be solved using IPv4 NAT.