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RE: draft-vandevelde-v6ops-nap-01.txt - "maybe add a bit more on proxy servers ..."

> For me, the NAP draft is about saying "here is a collection 
> of tools and techniques that allow the elimination of NAT 
> while maintaining a secure network".
> Right now, I think proxies should be one of the tools.  And
> how much Internet traffic is proxyable, and how prevalent 
> proxy-based value-add tools are in enterprises today, 
> I think it warrants more emphasis.


> Nonetheless, proxy servers provide host ID and network 
> topology hiding, and should be quick and easy to deploy for 
> IPv6 networks, and can serve a majority of Internet traffic, 
> while allowing the security team to conduct other policy 
> enformcement and packet/session analysis.


	-- Qing