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Re: draft-ietf-v6ops-nap-00.txt & NAT security [2.2]

On Wed, 6 Apr 2005 13:27:24 +0930
Mark Smith <ipng@69706e6720323030352d30312d31340a.nosense.org> wrote:

> Yes and no :-)

> Summarising, I'd like to see IPv6 used as an opporunity to introduce and
> promote new thinking (well old, but new to most IPv4 people), and
> provide "new" models of deployment. However, for those who are more
> resistant to new thinking, identify "old" IPv4 mechanisms and how they
> can work with IPv6 as a "fall back" alternative to new thinking or as
> part of a migrationary path to "new thinking".

To clarify, I'm making broad statements about IPv6 deployment, rather
than specifically the NAP draft. Some of my comments would apply to the
NAP Draft though.



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