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Internal WG Review: Recharter of IPv6 Operations (v6ops) - version 2

A new charter for the IPv6 Operations (v6ops) working group in the Operations and Management Area of the IETF is being considered. The draft charter is provided below for your review and comment.

Review time is one week.

The IETF Secretariat


IPv6 Operations (v6ops)

Last Modified: 2005-4-19

Current Status: Active Working Group

Description of Working Group:

The global deployment of IPv6 is underway, creating an IPv4/IPv6 Internet consisting of IPv4-only, IPv6-only, IPv6-dominant (e.g., IPv6 networks that also use IPv4 internally but offer restricted or no IPv4 services to client networks) and IPv4/IPv6 networks and nodes. This deployment must be properly handled to avoid the division of the Internet into separate IPv4 and IPv6 networks while ensuring addressing and connectivity for all IPv4 and IPv6 nodes.

The IPv6 Operations Working Group (v6ops) develops guidelines for the operation of a shared IPv4/IPv6 Internet and provides operational guidance on how to deploy IPv6. Additional requirements requiring protocol development, including transition strategies, are referred to other appropriate working groups.

The goals of the v6ops working group are:

1. Solicit input from network operators and users to identify operational issues with the IPv4/IPv6 Internet, and determine solutions or workarounds to those issues.

2. In cooperation with the Security Area or other relevant working groups or areas, identify and document potential security risks in the operation of shared IPv4/IPv6 networks, and document operational practices to eliminate or mitigate those risks.

3. Provide feedback to the IPv6 WG regarding portions of the IPv6 specifications that cause, or are likely to cause, operational or security concerns, and work with the IPv6 WG to resolve those concerns.

4. Identify, analyze, and document solutions for deploying IPv6 within common network environments, such as ISP Networks, Enterprise Networks, Unmanaged Networks (Home/Small Office), and Cellular Networks.

Any document resulting from this working group should serve as a useful guide to network operators and users on recommended ways to deploy, operate, and maintain IPv6 technology in their networks. As such, these documents shall be Informational or BCP RFCs.

Goals and Milestones:

Done Submit IPv6 deployment using VLANs to IESG for Info
Done Submit ISP IPv6 Deployment Scenarios in Broadband Access Networks as WG item
Done Submit document describing how to use IPsec with draft-ietf-v6ops-mech-v2 as WG item
Done Submit IPv6 Network Architecture Protection as WG item

Apr 05 	Submit IPv6 Security Overview as WG item
Apr 05 	Submit document describing issues with NAT-PT to IESG for Info
Apr 05 	Submit IPv6 deployment using VLANs to IESG for Info

May 05 Submit document on IPsec w/ draft-ietf-v6ops-mech-v2 to IESG for Info

Jun 05 	Submit Enterprise Deployment Analysis to IESG for Info
Jun 05 	Submit IPv6 Network Architecture Protection to IESG for Info

Jul 05 Submit IPv6 Security Overview to IESG for Info
Jul 05 Submit ISP IPv6 Deployment Scenarios in Broadband Access Networks to IESG for Info
Jul 05 Submit draft-ietf-v6ops-onlinkassumption and draft-ietf-v6ops-v6onbydefault to the
IESG in coordination with the ipv6 WG's draft-ietf-ipv6-2461bis

Aug 05 Submit draft-ietf-v6ops-secure-tunnels to the IESG for BCP status.