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Re: Discussion of draft-ietf-v6ops-ent-analysis-02.txt

Just a couple of minor issues:

4.2.1) about IPv6 routing capability, it may be wise to state the obvious: IPv6 routing capability should offer the same performance as the existing IPv4 routing in order to handle the peak load requested by dual stack hosts.
Moreover, the IPv6 routing node should execute the same features as the IPv4 routing node: QoS, security, availability (redundant links for IPv6 when there are redundant links for IPv4) ...

5.1) the external IPv6 tunneling also presents security & QoS issues that should probably be mentioned

The last point is linked to 4.2.1, when the IPv6 connectivity is poor: like route flapping, link flapping (spec. with tunnels), IPv6 isolated islands will be created and this will cause some applications to fail since they will insist in using IPv6 address (even if both ends are still using IPv4). On my own experience, this was really a pain in ... to detect this issue.

Hope it helps
