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Re: WG Last Call draft-ietf-v6ops-nap*


> 1) Section 2.2: I'm not native English speaker. So, my understanding of
> some words might be completely wrong. However, I think the phrase "evil
> outside influences" makes me think about something in horror stories
> (e.g. Dracula). Would word "malicious" be more appropriate?

Good catch. "Malicious" is better than "evil," but "malicious" has its own
unfortunate baggage in *some* parts of the security community, when it is
used as the opposite of "passive." (A "malicious" adversary may actively
tamper, whereas a "passive" adversary only listens. I always disliked that

I prefer no value judgment at all. Just drop "evil." If absolutely
necessary, say "adversary." Who knows, the truly bad people may be
"inside," and the good ones are on the "outside" trying to break in. (That
is, there may be legitimate disagreement on good and evil.)

Regards, Richard