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Re: WG Last Call draft-ietf-v6ops-nap*


I read the document now again and I tried to read it pretty carefully.
(It is Monday, so, I'm not sure how careful it was, though. ;) Here are
the few comments that I had:

1) Section 2.2: I'm not native English speaker. So, my understanding of
some words might be completely wrong. However, I think the phrase "evil
outside influences" makes me think about something in horror stories
(e.g. Dracula). Would word "malicious" be more appropriate?

2) Section 2.6: The section nicely explains the situation with the IPv4
address space. However, I have recently met misunderstanding of the size
of the private address space. There seems to be a belief out there that
private address space is limitless. 
Would it be appropriate to add some words to address this issue as well?
(E.g. "Even the use of private (RFC1918) IPv4 address space has its
practical limits. Especially, in large network environments the private
address space can be exhausted resulting to difficult or even impossible
operational problems") I'm not sure, though, if it is appropriate in
this particular section.

3) Section 4.4: Usage of Mobile IP is proposed for topology hiding.
However, wouldn't any kind of tunneling do the trick? Is there a reason
that it really must be Mobile IP.

As apparent from the comments, these are basically just nits. I think it
is enough it the editors use their judgment if they think these comments
are valid or not. 

I think the document is ready for the IESG.



On Mon, 2005-06-06 at 16:00, ext fred@cisco.com wrote:
> Folks
> This note starts the WG Last Call for comments on
>   "IPv6 Network Architecture Protection", Gunter Van de Velde,
>   28-Mar-05, <draft-ietf-v6ops-nap-00.txt>
> It may be found on
> 	 http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-v6ops-nap-00.txt
> The document's proposed status is Informational.
> Please review the document carefully, and send your feedback to the
> list. Please also indicate whether or not you believe that this
> document is ready to go to the IESG.
> This Last Call will end two weeks from today at Close of Business PDT.
> Thanks,
> Fred
Jonne Soininen

Tel: +358 40 527 46 34
E-mail: jonne.soininen@nokia.com