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Re: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-v6ops-nap-01.txt

On Fri, 1 Jul 2005 20:33:59 +0930
Mark Smith <ipng@69706e6720323030352d30312d31340a.nosense.org> wrote:

> Hi Alain, Fred
> On Thu, 30 Jun 2005 12:28:50 -0700 (PDT)
> alain@tycool.net wrote:

> Thinking about it more broadly, this topology hiding idea sounds
> remarkably like CLNS / IS-IS Level 1 and Level 2 routing. For
> sources/traffic outside the /48(s), forwarding is based on a best match
> (as in CLNS/IS-IS Level 2 areas),

To be clear, the above is meaning a "best, longest match".

> once the traffic reaches the network
> topology that falls within the /48, routing then becomes flat, exact
> match against host routes to forward to the exact location of the host
> (as in CLNS/IS-IS Level 1 areas). 
> Regards,
> Mark.