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Re: RV: I-D ACTION:draft-baker-v6ops-end2end-00.txt

Pekka Savola wrote:
On Wed, 17 Aug 2005, Rémi Després wrote:
  * some code be added in those entities (hosts, customer edge
    routers, ISP gateways) which claim compatibility with the new
    address format. This code would have to be be carefully specified
    but, dealing with only a few simple concepts, would not be
    voluminous. It would maintain upward compatibility with all other
    existing coexistence tools.

Are you proposing is a format which needs to be (more or less) understood by the whole Internet ?
Definitely not.
 (It would have been a very poor design option, right ? :-) )

When I say : "If some edge routers and ISP gateways supporting the address format would be deployed, they would provide powerful v6 capabilities to concerned  customer sites, independently or in association with whatever transition tools other sites and ISPs may have deployed.", concerned customer sites are those where the edge routers has been upgraded to support the new format, and/or those that have acquired the right to use some gateways where the new format is supported.

Their additional connectivities may be incoming as well as outgoing, so that they benefit also to some correspondents of concerned hosts.
The evaluation of the scenarios where this is or isn't supported (and the mix of these) might call for a bit of description.
Yes, certainely.
This is part of the next step.
In the mean time you could have a look at the attached slides.
They were prepared for a verbal presentation.
Although they are not self explanatory, Slides 11 to 16  could provide an insight into the kind of E2E paths  that become possible.

Thanks for your question and comment.
Please don't hesitate to ask for more clarifications.
I am aware they are needed, and it helps making progress.

Rémi Després

Attachment: E2E vB path Examples 2005-08-18.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document