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Re: Review: draft-ietf-v6ops-nap-01.txt

On Thu, Aug 18, 2005 at 07:08:44PM +0100, Elwyn Davies wrote:
> The comments contain a suggestion that 
> draft-chown-port-scanning-implications should be published as an RFC - 
> it is referenced both here (in what I consider to be a Normative way) 
> and it is relevant to the security overview also.  Does anybody else 
> support this?

For info, this can be found here:


It's one of those 'kind of obvious' texts, but has received good comments
while it was live.

I would be happy to revive it, or work with Gunter/Fred/Elwyn/whoever to
merge it into the NAP text itself.   There are pros and cons either way.
