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IETF Tools

Forwarded from Bert Wijnen, with some slight hacking for relevance...

Goto http://tools.ietf.org

If you want to see nits or diffs for any I-D in your WG, you can find them on the IETF Tools Page too!
If you go to WG status pages, you get to:


From there you can go to your (or any) WG.
See for example:


You can click on dependencies and get to:


Of you can click on document draft-ietf-v6ops-bb-deployment-scenarios and you get to:

http://tools.ietf.org/wg/v6ops/draft-ietf-v6ops-bb-deployment- scenarios/

from there you can see the file itself, any nits (ID-checklist) that were found, the diff bnetween all the versions etc.

Very usefull information for authors, WG chairs, WG reviewers actually for everyone!

Not sure everyone is really aware of it.