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IPv6 Multi-homing BOF at NANOG 35


	The IAB has proposed the below BOF for the upcoming NANOG
	(please see http://www.nanog.org for information on
	NANOG). As mentioned in the description (see below), the
	purpose of the BOF is for the IAB to solicit operator
	feedback on the progress and direction of IETF IPv6
	multi-homing work, and to help the IAB determine if there
	is meaningful work that it can do (or can signal to the
	appropriate IETF working group(s)) to address any issues
	that may be perceived with the current direction.      

	Please let us know if you have any questions or comments,
	and watch the NANOG pages in the upcoming days for the
	NANOG agenda. 

	Thanks, and hope to see you there.

	Dave (for the IAB)


IAB IPv6 Multi-Homing BOF

With the advent of the growing and wide-spread deployment of
IPv6, many familiar operational issues have arisen. Among the
current IPv6 "hot topics" are RIR policy (including the HD ratio
discussion) and site multi-homing. This BOF proposal focuses on
the multi-homing issue, since multi-homing is one of the
significant drivers of the growth and dynamic properties of
Default Free Zone (DFZ). In particular, there is concern that
that the amount of multi-homing will grow beyond the
organizations who use it today in the IPv4 Internet and that 
new mechanisms will be required to to handle that growth. 

The current direction that the IETF is taking is being defined by
the shim6 working group. Briefly, shim6 seeks to find a mechanism
which provides most of the functional benefits of multi-homing while
still allowing reasonable scalability of the DFZ. Note that 
multi-homing under shim6 differs from multi-homing under IPv4
since in IPv4 case, multi-homing is accomplished (in most cases)
by injecting a provider-independent (PI) prefix into the DFZ.
This approach has the property that it scales in the number of
multi-homed sites; each multi-homed site requires an unique entry
in the DFZ. shim6 differs from the IPv4 approach in that it does
not require an entry in the DFZ per multi-homed site. 

The purpose of this BOF for the IAB is to solicit operator
feedback on the progress and direction of IPv6 multi-homing work,
particularly as discussed in the IETF, and to help the IAB
determine if there is meaningful work that it can do or can
signal to the appropriate IETF WGs to address any problem(s) that
may be perceived with the current direction.   Minimally, notes
of the session will be posted for those unable to attend the
discussion in person.

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