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Re: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-v6ops-icmpv6-filtering-bcp-00.txt

 In your previous mail you wrote:

   It now covers all the messages that are currently defined for ICMPv6 and 
   is written in a format which should make it easier for administrators to 
   crate firewall rules from it.
   Comments would be appreciated.
=> if you believe I should add a reference to this I-D in the
draft-dupont-mip6-dhaadharmful-01.txt I-D where I've just added
a section about ICMPv6 filtering impact on DHAAD (written by James
Kempf), please send a note to me.



PS: my I-D will never be published as it but the ideas/arguments in it
will be in a standard track document (if they are adopted of course),
so the reference too.