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Re: v6ops:IPv4 vs. IPv6 operational costs

>  ... The service has been developed to work on both

i.e. complicated and prone to glitches

... and IPv6 using global addresses.

i.e. simple and straightforward

Once you've got over the learning curve, that difference should answer
your questions,

 - will it be typical for services to be developed for both IPv6 and
IPv4/ALG or IPv6 first because it's easier or IPv6 only?

That will change over time. Today, anybody looking for real customers
has to do both.

2. One of the organization's existing corporate services is made
available to work over IPv6 with global addressing and it's time for a
software upgrade for that service. What is the case for moving this
service to dual stack or even single stack IPv6?

If the service is well designed, it won't care and will decide for
itself according to what network-layer services it finds. But I wouldn't
expect any current enterprise to *drop* IPv4 service for many years;
I expect to see creeping penetration of dual stack service. In ten years,
you may notice that there's no IPv4 traffic any more, at which point
you can switch it off.
