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Re: editorial comments on draft-ietf-v6ops-nap-06

On Mar 13, 2007, at 07:20, Brian E Carpenter wrote:

I don't agree. Lower case 'should' in an informational
RFC is not normative; it's an opinion. Using RFC 2119
language would be a problem, but we don't.

There's no question that lower-case "should" in an informational RFC is not normative.

Perhaps, for the sake of consistency then, you might consider replacing the word "can" with "should" in the following sentence in Section 1, Introduction:

It then shows how the goals of the network manager *can be* met in an
   IPv6 network without using the header modification feature of NAT.

Also, it might be wise to delete the following two sentences altogether:

   It should be noted that this document is 'informational', as
it discusses approaches that will work to accomplish the goals of the
   network manager.  It is specifically not a BCP that is recommending
   any one approach, or a manual on how to configure a network.

If an informational RFC is to be a vehicle for expressing the opinions of its authors, then I would argue that it should not mislead the reader about that fact in the introduction.

james woodyatt <jhw@apple.com>
member of technical staff
apple computer, inc.