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Re: Tagging traffic (Was: CPE equipments and stateful filters)

> Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino wrote:
> > 	on CPE equipments and stateful filters.
> [..]
> > 	i do not disagree with "we need stateful filter implementations".
> > 	but i suggest that we need to be REAL careful about the default
> > 	settings.  otherwise your cellphone that have roamed into your home
> > 	network, and/or TiVo device, cannot be used from the outside.
> > 	(i dislike UPnP, yeah)
> I am actually starting to believe that we really need a secure protocol
> ala uPnP for requesting 'privileges' for sending packets over a network
> border, current NAT boxes/gateways.

	again, it is better to be raised in IAB plenary i guess.

	that is "signalling for everything" model, i.e. telco model....
	how can you identify which router between you and www.wikipedia.org
	you need to contact for a permission to connect?
