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Re: CPE equipments and stateful filters

> > 	as i mentioned before, i do not have any kind of firewall in my home.
> Neither do I (and there doesn't seem to be one between the IETF  
> network and the rest of the world, either) but that's not really the  
> point, apparently, we now have consensus that a firewall is needed  
> for residential use but these people want to do peer-to-peer and run  
> servers so we need the hole punching.
> If you can formulate an argument powerful enough to convince the rest  
> of the world that firewalls aren't needed, this would be the moment  
> to do it...
> http://nvd.nist.gov/nvd.cfm?cvename=CVE-2007-1338

	nah, again, illusion of security based on blocking traffic...

	i can help people secure their OS in a serious manner.
	especially those which are based on BSD IPv4/v6.
	hello Steve! (no, not Deering, i'm waiting for Jobs)

