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Re: Distributing site-wide RFC 3484 policy

> > 	you are assuming that you are watching everything over from the sky,
> > 	high above, like god.  that is not how we made largely-distributed
> > 	system, the Internet, work.
> I guess you misunderstood what I mean ?
> I'm not looking down from the sky.
> I'm looking at a small part at the edge of the Internet.
> A small company want to move to ipv6 and want to minimize
> troubles and risks. Then they want to transition to IPv6
> in the way I described above.

	of course you are watching over from the sky.  you are sure that
	for the enterprise source address X is better to reach destination A,
	and Y is beter for B.  that is a knowledge (or kludge) about the
	entire internet, which can only be obtained from the god's point of

	to give you an idea: the situation changes over time by BGP peering
	status and alike, and you have no real way to catch up other than
	to update your policy table master config file.  scary and high admin
	cost unless you do not get paid from your organization.

> > 	you just have to switch to better IPv6 provider.
> So, give me money please ;)

	so you are spending more money on bad management technology and
	management labor costs, rather than to spend money for decent IPv6
	connectivity services with less expensive management costs.

> I guess not so many company can have good-quality ipv6
> connectibity from the start.

	we are both from Japan, and we have NTT and IIJ at least!
	wait a minute, your domain name seems to be nttv6.net...
