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Re: Distributing site-wide RFC 3484 policy

At Sat, 28 Jul 2007 07:30:43 +0900 (JST),
(Tomohiro -INSTALLER- Fujisaki/藤崎 智宏) <fujisaki@syce.net> wrote:

> Do you mean node local information should not be given from outside ?
> We think if a node is in an administrative scope and zone index value
> is static (not dynamically changes when node restarts), it is possible
> to deliver that value to the node.

(I guess you know this but just to clarify the point...)  The problem
is that scope zone indices are (at least currently) node-local
information that an external entity such as a DHCP server or the site
administrator doesn't (cannot) know.  A combination of magical or
infeasible techniques (e.g. automatic zone-ID discovery or allocation,
or manual configuration of the mappings of IF-zone IDs for all
possible clients) might make it possible, but I don't think it's a
feasible option at all today, and I doubt it will become realistic in
the near future.


> And if there is a case that utilizes zone index delivery, we should
> remain zone index delivery as it is, and limit the usage in
> specification. If there is no case, delivering we should not deliver
> zone index.

I'd suggest removing the zone-index field for now.  We could keep it
for future extensibility (which I guess you're proposing), but I
suspect the field will need heavy, possible backward incompatible,
revision anyway when we ever address the above difficulties.  So I
don't think having it with uncertainty will actually help in the

					JINMEI, Tatuya
					Communication Platform Lab.
					Corporate R&D Center, Toshiba Corp.