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Re: DHCP and RA and DNS, oh my...

On Sep 13, 2007, at 14:56, Mark Smith wrote:

Would the following be a fair summary of the scenarios being talked

1. No RAs, link local only addressing, Zeroconf techniques/ Multicast DNS

2. RAs, ll + RA announced prefixes, RA announced DNS server(s)

3. RAs, ll + RA announced prefixes, RA announced DNS server(s), DHCP
for any other node configuration options

4. RAs, ll + RA announced prefixes, DHCP announced DNS server(s) + other node
configuration options.

I think scenario 3 is bad. I see no good reason for RA with both O=1 and DNS server options. I'd be perfectly okay with requirement language that says DNS server options in RA must be not be sent, and must be ignored if received, when O=1.

james woodyatt <jhw@apple.com>
member of technical staff, communications engineering