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FW: New Version Notification for draft-vandevelde-v6ops-ra-guard-00

Hi All,

The authors of "IPv6 RA-Guard" would like to hear feedback from the
v6ops WG.

The note describing the technology can be found at


-----Original Message-----
From: IETF I-D Submission Tool [mailto:idsubmission@ietf.org] 
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2007 10:00 AM
To: gunter (mailer list)
Cc: Eric Levy- Abegnoli (elevyabe); Chip Popoviciu (cpopovic);
Subject: New Version Notification for draft-vandevelde-v6ops-ra-guard-00

A new version of I-D, draft-vandevelde-v6ops-ra-guard-00.txt has been
successfuly submitted by Gunter Van de Velde and posted to the IETF

Filename:	 draft-vandevelde-v6ops-ra-guard
Revision:	 00
Title:		 IPv6 RA-Guard
Creation_date:	 2007-11-12
WG ID:		 Independent Submission
Number_of_pages: 7

When using IPv6 within a single L2 network segment it is assumed that
for good network behavior, the available routers attached to the segment
are valid routers.  A rogue Router Advertisement (RA) [1] however could
be sent by accident by a misconfigured network device, or on purpose by
malicious devices.  This document proposes a solution to reduce the
threat of rogue RAs by enabling layer 2 devices to provide forward RAs
received over designated ports.

The IETF Secretariat.