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Re: "DNS-4to6 automatic mapping" - No more DNS-ALGs & 6then4 DNS queries

So we hack the os to fix the broken dns servers. whee!  Progress!
Todd Fries .. todd@fries.net

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Penned by R?mi Denis-Courmont on 20071129 20:17.33, we have:
| Le Thursday 29 November 2007 14:19:25 Todd T. Fries, vous avez ?crit?:
| > The bottom line is that OpenBSD userland unconditionally enables IPv6
| > regardless if the kernel supports it or not.  If there is no v6 default
| > route, v6 fails quickly and seamlessly back to v4 (telnet, ftp, ssh, etc)
| > and behaves sanely.
| Great, so lets put said OpenBSD behind one of many cheap CPE that drops or 
| otherwise screws up DNS AAAA query packets.
| I fail to see how not having a default v6 route saves you from waiting for the 
| DNS query timeout (remember the DNS AAAA request will be sent over IPv4).
| > I do not see why mandating different is productive for a future of v6
| > deployment.
| Because it avoids lengthy time outs when AAAA DNS breaks. Without this hack, 
| more people will be annoyed by the dual stack nature of their OS and learn to 
| disable IPv6 *completely*.
| See also RFC4472.
| -- 
| R?mi Denis-Courmont
| http://www.remlab.net/